Pool Las Terrazas de Dana

Pool Las Terrazas de DanaWe want to share that this week at Las Terrazas de Dana Boutique Lodge & Spa, we’ve changed the way we care for our pool, focusing on the well-being and health of our guests and the environment by optimizing resources and ensuring crystal-clear water at all times. We’ve installed our new saltwater chlorinator, but wait a moment, how does a saltwater chlorinator work?

A saltwater chlorinator works by converting salt into chlorine to keep the pool water clean and free of bacteria. Here are the basic steps of the process:

Adding Salt: Salt is added to the pool, about 3000 ppm (parts per million), a concentration low enough that it doesn’t feel like the ocean.

Electrolysis: The pool is equipped with an electrolysis cell, a device containing metal plates. Saltwater passes through these plates, and when an electric current is applied, a chemical reaction occurs.
Chlorine Generation: During electrolysis, the salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) breaks down into chlorine (Cl) and sodium (Na). The generated chlorine disinfects the water, eliminating bacteria and algae.

Process Recirculation: Once the chlorine has done its job, it converts back into salt, and the cycle starts again.

This method is continuous and automatic, keeping the pool clean without needing to add chlorine manually. Additionally, the water is gentler on the skin and eyes, making swimming much more pleasant.

We brought this new, globally innovative method to Ecuador after many hours of work with local labor, successfully installing and adapting the mechanism to our pool, adding the necessary granulated salt, and controlling each level as indicated by the manufacturer. We’re thrilled with the results—the water is lighter, doesn’t irritate the eyes, and is gentle on the skin and hair. Eco-friendly, our pool now requires fewer chemicals, reducing our environmental footprint. Moreover, since the chlorination process is cyclical, it lasts much longer.

Pool Las Terrazas de DanaFor those with sensitive skin or allergies, saltwater pools can be a blessing. The mild salinity can soothe the skin, making it an ideal choice for guests with conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

This is our way of showing gratitude for your preference by committing to the quality and comfort of our guests in every small aspect—we’re confident that every detail makes a difference. Our regular maintenance ensures the water remains balanced and clean, providing a consistently pleasant swimming environment, offering a unique and refreshing experience that is kinder to both people and the planet.

And as if that weren’t enough, we welcome MINI YOU, our new robot that cleans our pool in the morning. This little guy dives in and cleans every square inch of the floor and walls, filtering out all impurities and small vegetation debris that might fall into our outdoor pool. Our young guests can watch him work during breakfast and marvel at his automatic performance, while their parents ask us how it works. No effort is too small when it comes to the health and well-being of our guests, and we reiterate time and again that we will continue to seek ways to exceed each of your expectations and keep creating memorable moments for you.

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